App Privacy Policy

App Privacy Policy

This software respects and protects the privacy of all users of the service. This software will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Information collection and use
This software does not collect personal information in any way, but this software uses third-party services. These services may collect information used to identify you, including but not limited to various advertising SDKs, such as Google and other advertisers. Use this software to
You agree to this in accordance with AdMob’s privacy policy (see
Depending on your preferences, this application may have the right to collect on-device data and unique user identifiers to display your ads. You can change your preferences at any time in the app settings.

Links to other websites
The Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Please note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you read the privacy policies of these websites. I have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party sites or services.

This software will update this privacy policy from time to time. By agreeing to this Software Service Use Agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire contents of this Privacy Policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of this software service usage agreement.